
As a psychologist who has worked with families for almost four decades and who strives to know the best standards of practice in my field and the latest research findings relevant to the topics involved in my work (e.g. maltreatment and other types of trauma, child development, and memory) and as a mother of four adult children and now seven grandchildren, I believe that I am well equipped at helping my colleagues, attorneys, or other adults answer questions that they are facing. For example, I have worked with parents who want advice on how to tell their children that they are planning to divorce or how to devise the best parenting time schedule for their circumstances. And I have consulted with others as to how to blend their families. Various lawyers have sought my perspective as to the pros and cons of initiating a lawsuit on behalf of one of their clients or wanted to know about data in the psychological literature that might guide how they proceed in a legal matter. I am always willing to have a brief telephone conversation about any matter before scheduling a session for a more complete consultation.